The objective of REVEALING is to create a VRLE (Virtual Reality Learning Environment) Model using the VRChat platform, adapted to the learning needs of HEIs, and thus, their students.

This will ultimately impact the partner universities, and beyond, regarding the technological capabilities not only in terms of cross-cutting research but also regarding the actual implementation.

The actual purpose of creating a Model is that it can be adapted to different learning situations and contexts according to the needs of the end users. By bringing together different educational realities from all over Europe, the Model will be adapted and piloted in academic and non-academic environments which still bring, as of now, considerable differences in terms of educational methodologies as well as cultural aspects when it comes to the simple, yet, crucial process of learning.

REVEALING aims to mainstream the use of VR for a more variegated number of activities (that is, beyond its use as a recreational tool) in the European educational and societal texture. The concrete objectives of the project are to:

  • Design and implement VRLEs tailored to HEI (higher education institution) needs.
  • Pilot VR-enabled lessons and author of a manual with comprehensive guidelines on how to effectively utilize VRLE affordances to set up university lectures.
  • Implement a VRLE Resource Directory to facilitate the incorporation of VRLE-compliant resources in HEI education.
  • Upskill HEI teaching staff and students in the use of innovative technology-enabled educational approaches.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.