The second result of REVEALING refers to the development of a Manual on how to efficiently use VRLEs (Virtual Reality Learning Environment) and organize classes that build upon the affordances provided by such digital tools.

Firstly, the Manual will provide basic technical information about the foundational technologies supporting the creation of Social VRLEs (e.g., Virtual Reality, 3D models, VRChat architecture, etc.) and
their limitations (e.g., max number of concurrent users, max number of polygons in 3D models). It will also document instructions as regards the use of VRLE-related equipment, such as the HMDs and their peripheral devices (e.g., Controllers, Microphone, Speakers, Lenses etc.).

Moreover, the Manual will feature instructions on how to access and use VRLEs, encompassing subjects such as connection and authentication from Desktop/HMD, avatar selection, means of interaction (e.g. how to manipulate and object), and navigation techniques (e.g. how to move around the virtual environment).

The manual will also report information about the performance of social cues within the VRLE (e.g. how to communicate and interact with other participants). Moreover, it will include guidelines for HEIs (higher education institution) teachers and educators on acceptable social behavior in VRLEs, examining matters of proxemics and personal space in the virtual worlds.

HEIs teachers and educators will be provided with detailed information on how student participants can perform common classroom activities (e.g., raise a hand or approach the whiteboard to present a subject) in order to guide them accordingly during the learning experience. The manual will also
provide HEIs teachers and educators with concrete guidelines on how to develop VRLE-compliant teaching material. That will include guidelines about how to adapt the teaching material used
in physical classrooms (e.g. total duration of lecture, selection of appropriate teaching subjects, etc.) to be successfully utilized in the VRLE.

Finally, the manual will include practical guidelines for the effective presentation of the teaching material in the VRLE (e.g. how to use the equivalent of a real whiteboard or a projector in the VRLE, which types of fonts to choose in a presentation to be readable in the virtual world etc.).


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.