Welcome to the REVEALING project
The objective of the REVEALING project is to create VR learning environments that can be incorported into the curricula of Higher Education Institutes (HEI).
These environments will resemble virtual classrooms, with both students and teachers using avatars, and will display the lesson’s teaching material in a more immersive and interactive way.
Additionally, there will be created 2 learning scenarios which will be videogame like quests, taking place in VR environments, that will include gamified educational exercises that the students will have to solve in order to successfully finish the quest.
19/6/2024, 10:00-12:00 CET
via Zoom
Realisation of Virtual Reality in learning environemnts
This event will offer practical impulses & a practical introduction to the use of VR in teaching with OER applications

Discover how you can benefit
The project is aimed at any Higher Education teacher that wants to make his/her lectures more immersive and gamified. This will be achieved through the following products of the REVEALING project:
A subject-neutral 3D virtual classroom that will be suitable to any HEI sector, and will make lectures more fun and interactive.
A manual on how to efficiently use the 3D environments and organize classes that build upon the affordances provided by such digital tools.
A VRLE Resource directory aiming to facilitate the adoption and implementation of VRLEs in HEI teaching practices. This directory will include, apart from the VRLE and the Manual, publicly available materials (e.g., 3D models, freely available VRChat assets etc.) to be used in VRLEs.
Project partners
The consortium of the REVEALING project consists of 6 institutions coming from 5 EU countries (Germany, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus and Poland) which have a long experience in VR related projects, educational material creation and e-learning course establishing.
Latest News
Stay tuned with the latest developments in Revealing
Contact us
Please contact us for further details about the project. As it is in the early stages, we would like to hear your opinions and views!
Alternatively, you can contact the project coordinator directly using the following contact details:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.